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Randomised Quicksort (cont)

  • Consider a recursive call to partition() on an index range of size s
    • Good call:
      both low..pivot-1 and pivot+1..high shorter than ¾·s
    • Bad call:
      one of low..pivot-1 or pivot+1..high greater than ¾·s
  • Probability that a call is good: 0.5
    (because half the possible pivot elements cause a good call)
Example of a bad call:

6  3  7  5  8  2  4  1

4  3  6  5  1  2   | 7 |   8

Example of a good call:

4  3  6  5  1  2   | 7 |   8

1  2   | 3 |   5  6  4   | 7 |   8