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Stack ADT Implementation

Linked list implementation (stack.c):

Remember: stack.h includes  typedef struct StackRep *stack;

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "stack.h"

typedef struct node {
   int data;
   struct node *next;
} NodeT;

typedef struct StackRep {
   int    height;   // #elements on stack
   NodeT *top;      // ptr to first element
} StackRep;

// set up empty stack
stack newStack() {
   stack S = malloc(sizeof(StackRep));     
   S->height = 0;
   S->top = NULL;
   return S;

// remove unwanted stack
void dropStack(stack S) {
   NodeT *curr = S->top;
   while (curr != NULL) {  // free the list
      NodeT *temp = curr->next;
      curr = temp;
   free(S);           // free the stack rep

// check whether stack is empty
int StackIsEmpty(stack S) {
   return (S->height == 0);

// insert an int on top of stack
void StackPush(stack S, int v) {
   NodeT *new = malloc(sizeof(NodeT));  
   assert(new != NULL);
   new->data = v;
   // insert new element at top
   new->next = S->top;
   S->top = new;

// remove int from top of stack
int StackPop(stack S) {
   assert(S->height > 0);
   NodeT *head = S->top;
   // second list element becomes new top
   S->top = S->top->next;
   // read data off first element, then free
   int d = head->data;
   return d;