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Floyd's Algorithm

One approach to solving all-pair shortest path problem…

Data: G, dist[][], path[][] Algorithm:

dist[][]  // array of cost of shortest path from s to t
path[][]  // array of next node after s on shortest path from s to t

|  Input graph G
|  initialise dist[s][t]=0 for each s=t
|                       =w for each (s,t,w)∈edges(G)
|                       =∞ otherwise
|  initialise path[s][t]=t for each (s,t,w)∈edges(G)
|                       =-1 otherwise
|  for all i∈vertices(G) do
|  |  for all s∈vertices(G) do
|  |  |  for all t∈vertices(G) do
|  |  |  |  if dist[s][i]+dist[i][t] < dist[s][t] then
|  |  |  |     dist[s][t]=dist[s][i]+dist[i][t]
|  |  |  |     path[s][t]=path[s][i]
|  |  |  |  end if
|  |  |  end for
|  |  end for
|  end for