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COMP9242 Advanced Operating Systems

Informal Student Feedback 1999

The following is a verbatim transcript of anonymous feedback from studens enrolled in COMP9242 in Session 2 of 1999. The survey was held during the Week 14 lecture. There is a total of 10 replies (of 18 students enrolled). Student input is in red, my comments are in blue. Every top-level bullet point represents one student's comment (according to the handwriting). End of verbatim transcript. If you have more comments to make, please do.

Final word

It was great fun teaching this, all students were highly motivated and eager to learn. Many thanks for participating, and also thanks for your feedback.
COMP9242, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales

This page is maintained by gernot@cse.unsw.edu.au. Last modified: Thursday, 04-Nov-1999 17:07:48 AEDT [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Written: 1999-11-04.