For any questions that require you to use the PostgreSQL catalog, you should try to solve them by referring to the catalog section in the PostgreSQL documentation before loking at the solutions. An important aim of these exercises is for you to become familiar with the catalog.

  1. What is the purpose of the storage management subsystem of a DBMS?

    The primary purpose of the storage manager is to organise the persistent storage of the DBMS's data and meta-data, typically on a disk device. The storage manager contains a mapping from user-level database objects (such as tables and tuples) to files and disk blocks. Its primary functions are performing the mapping from objects to files and transferring data between memory and disk.

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  2. Describe some of the typical functions provided by the storage management subsystem.

    Note that these functions are merely suggestive of the kinds of functions that might appear in a storage manager. They bear no relation to any real DBMS (and they are not drawn from the PostgreSQL storage manager, although similar kinds of functions will be found there). The function descriptions could have been less detailed, but I thought it was worth mentioning some typical data types as well.

    Some typical storage management functions ...

    Other functions might include putPage, putTuple, closeTable, etc.

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  3. Both the pg_catalog schema and the information_schema schema contain meta-data describing the content of a database. Why do we need two schemas to do essentially the same task, and how are they related?

    We don't actually need two schemas; we have two schemas as a result of history. The information_schema schema is an SQL standard that was developed as part of the SQL-92 standard. Most DBMSs existed before that standard and had already developed their own catalog tables, which they retained as they were often integral to the functioning of the DBMS engine. In most DBMSs the information_schema is implemented as a collection of views on the native catalog schema.

    If you want to take a look at the definitions of the information_schema views in PostgreSQL, log in to any database and try the following:

    db=# set schema 'information_schema';
    db=# \dS
    ... list of views and tables ...
    db=# \d+ views
    ... schema and definition for "information_schema.views" ...
    ... which contains meta-data about views in the database ...
    xxAAxx );?>

  4. Cross-table references (foreign keys) in the pg_catalog tables are defined in terms of oid attributes. However, examination of the the catalog table definitions (either via \d in psql or via the PostgreSQL documentation) doesn't show an oid in any of the lists of table attributes. To see this, try the following commands:

    $ psql mydb 
    mydb=# \d pg_database
    mydb=# \d pg_authid

    Where does the oid attribute come from?

    Every tuple in PostgreSQL contains some "hidden" attributes, as well as the data attributes that were defined in the table's schema (i.e. its CREATE TABLE statement). The tuple header containing these attributes is described in section 54.5 Database Page Layout of the PostgreSQL documentation. All tuples have attributes called xmin and xmax, used in the implementation of multi-version concurrency control. In fact the oid attribute is optional, but all of the pg_catalog tables have it. You can see the values of the hidden attributes by explicitly naming the attributes in a query on the table, e.g.

    select oid,xmin,xmax,* from pg_namespace;

    In other words, the "hidden" attributes are not part of the SQL * which matches all attributes in the table.

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  5. Write an SQL view to give a list of table names and table oid's from the public namespace in a PostgreSQL database.

    create or replace view Tables as select r.oid, r.relname as tablename from pg_class r join pg_namespace n on (r.relnamespace = n.oid) where n.nspname = 'public' and r.relkind = 'r' ; xxAAxx );?>

  6. Using the tables in the pg_catalog schema, write a function to determine the location of a table in the filesystem. In other words, provide your own implementation of the builtin function: pg_relation_filepath(TableName). The function should be defined and behave as follows:

    create function tablePath(tableName text) returns text
    as $$ ... $$ language plpgsql;
    mydb=# select tablePath('myTable');
    mydb=# select tablePath('ImaginaryTable');
     No such table: imaginarytable

    Start the path string with PGDATA/base if the pg_class.reltablespace value is 0, otherwise use the value of pg_tablespace.spclocation in the corresponding pg_tablespace tuple.

    create or replace function tablePath(tableName text) returns text as $$ declare _nloc text; _dbid integer; _tbid integer; _tsid integer; begin select r.oid, r.reltablespace into _tbid, _tsid from pg_class r join pg_namespace n on (r.relnamespace = n.oid) where r.relname = tableName and r.relkind = 'r' and n.nspname = 'public'; if (_tbid is null) then return 'No such table: '||tableName; else select d.oid into _dbid from pg_database d where d.datname = current_database(); if (_tsid = 0) then _nloc := 'PGDATA/data'; else select spcname into _nloc from pg_tablespace where oid = _tsid; if (_nloc is null) then _nloc := '???'; end if; end if; return _nloc||'/'||_dbid::text||'/'||_tbid::text; end if; end; $$ language plpgsql; xxAAxx );?>

  7. Write a PLpgSQL function to give a list of table schemas for all of the tables in the public namespace of a PostgreSQL database. Each table schema is a text string giving the table name and the name of all attributes, in their definition order (given by pg_attribute.attnum). You can ignore system attributes (those with attnum < 0). Tables should appear in alphabetical order.

    The function should have following header:

    create or replace function tableSchemas() returns setof text ...

    and is used as follows:

    uni=# select * from tableschemas();
     assessments(item, student, mark)
     courses(id, code, title, uoc, convenor)
     enrolments(course, student, mark, grade)
     items(id, course, name, maxmark)
     people(id, ptype, title, family, given, street, suburb, pcode, gender, birthday, country)
    (5 rows)
    This function makes use of the tables view defined in Q6.

    create or replace function tableSchemas() returns setof text
    as $$
    	tab record; att record; ts text;
    	for tab in
    		select * from tables order by tablename
    		ts := '';
    		for att in
    			select * from pg_attribute
    			where  attrelid = tab.oid and attnum > 0
    			order  by attnum
    			if (ts <> '') then ts := ts||', '; end if;
    			ts := ts||att.attname;
    		end loop;
    		ts := tab.tablename||'('||ts||')';
    		return next ts;
    	end loop;
    $$ language plpgsql;

    And, just for fun, a version that uses the information_schema views, and, in theory, should be portable to other DBMSs that implement these views.

    create or replace function tableSchemas2() returns setof text
    as $$
    	tab record; att record; ts text;
    	for tab in
    		select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name
    		from   information_schema.tables
    		where  table_schema='public' and table_type='BASE TABLE'
    		order  by table_name
    		ts := '';
    		for att in
    			select c.column_name
    			from   information_schema.columns c
    			where  c.table_catalog = tab.table_catalog
    				and c.table_schema = tab.table_schema
    				and c.table_name = tab.table_name
    			order  by c.ordinal_position
    			if (ts <> '') then ts := ts||', '; end if;
    			ts := ts||att.column_name;
    		end loop;
    		ts := tab.table_name||'('||ts||')';
    		return next ts;
    	end loop;
    $$ language plpgsql;
    xxAAxx );?>

  8. Extend the function from the previous question so that attaches a type name to each attribute name. Use the following function to produce the string for each attribute's type:

    create or replace function typeString(typid oid, typmod integer) returns text
    as $$
    	typ text;
    	typ := pg_catalog.format_type(typid,typmod);
    	if (substr(typ,1,17) = 'character varying')
    		typ := replace(typ, 'character varying', 'varchar');
    	elsif (substr(typ,1,9) = 'character')
    		typ := replace(typ, 'character', 'char');
    	end if;
    	return typ;
    $$ language plpgsql;

    The first argument to this function is a pg_attribute.atttypid value; the second argument is a pg_attribute.atttypmod value. (Look up what these actually represent in the PostgreSQL documentation).

    Use the same function header as above, but this time the output should look like (for the first three tables at least):

     assessments(item:integer, student:integer, mark:integer)
     courses(id:integer, code:char(8), title:varchar(50), uoc:integer, convenor:integer)
     enrolments(course:integer, student:integer, mark:integer, grade:char(2))
    create or replace function tableSchemas() returns setof text as $$ declare t record; a record; ts text; begin for t in select * from tables order by tablename loop ts := ''; for a in select * from pg_attribute where attrelid = t.oid and attnum > 0 order by attnum loop if (ts <> '') then ts := ts||', '; end if; ts := ts||a.attname||':'||typeString(a.atttypid,a.atttypmod); end loop; ts := t.tablename||'('||ts||')'; return next ts; end loop; return; end; $$ language plpgsql; create or replace function typeString(typid oid, typmod integer) returns text as $$ declare tname text; begin tname := format_type(typid,typmod); tname := replace(tname, 'character varying', 'varchar'); tname := replace(tname, 'character', 'char'); return tname; end; $$ language plpgsql;

    Note that format_type() is a built-in function defined in the PostgreSQL documentation in section 9.23. System Information Functions

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  9. The following SQL syntax can be used to modify the length of a varchar attribute.

    alter table TableName alter column ColumnName set data type varchar(N);

    where N is the new length.

    If PostgreSQL did not support the above syntax, suggest how you might be able to achieve the same effect by manipulating the catalog data.

    One possible approach would be:

    update pg_attribute set atttypmod = N
    where  attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = 'TableName')
           and attname = 'ColumnName';

    This is somewhat like what PostgreSQL does when you use the above ALTER TABLE statement.

    Making the length longer causes no problems. What do you suppose might happen if you try to make the length shorter than the longest string value already stored in that column?

    The ALTER TABLE statement rejects the update because some tuples have values that are too long for the new length. However, if you use the UPDATE statement, it changes the length, but the overlength tuples remain.

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