COMP9315 14s2 The University of New South Wales
COMP9315 DBMS Implementation
Final Exam 14s2
DBMS Implementation
[Instructions] [Notes] [PostgreSQL] [C]
[Q1] [Q2] [Q3] [Q4] [Q5] [Q6] [Q7] [Q8]

The University of New South Wales

COMP9315 DBMS Implementation
Final Exam 14s2

November 11, 2014

  1. Time Allowed: 3 hours
  2. Reading Time: 10 minutes
  3. Total number of questions: 8
  4. Total marks available: 90
  5. Questions are not of equal value.
  6. Marks are shown on each question.

Read all of the instructions below while you are waiting.
You will most likely need to scroll to see everything.

About this Exam web-site:
  • the Instructions and the Questions use one browser tab
  • Notes, Postgresql and C language each have their own tab
  • the tab will be created the first time you access them
  • use the tabs to navigate to these once they're open
  • note: all of the files for Q1, plus (optional) template files
    for the other questions are copied into your working
    directory when you log in to the exam environment
Start-of-Exam Instructions:
  • Switch off your laptop/phone.
  • Place all laptops/phones/etc. off the desk (preferably in a bag).
  • Fill in the details on the pink attendance/drawing sheet.
  • Place your student card on the pink attendance/drawing sheet.
  • Wait for the supervisor to tell you to start reading the questions.
  • You will find a sub-directory q1 in your exam directory
    • this contains all of the files need for Q1
  • You will also find files q2.txt, ... q8.txt in your exam directory
    • you may read but must not modify these files during reading time
End-of-Exam Instructions:
  • Stop writing when the supervisor tells you.
  • Log out from your workstation.
  • Take all of your belongings.
  • Leave your pink attendance/drawing sheet on the desk.
General Instructions:
  • Answer all questions.
  • Questions are not worth equal marks.
  • Questions may be answered in any order.
  • Calculators/textbooks/notes/phones/laptops are not permitted.
  • Calculator apps (e.g. bc, xcalc) are available on your workstation.
  • During the Exam, you must not
    • communicate with other students in any way
    • access any of your own files
    • access any web pages except those attached to this web site
  • Answers to all questions are submitted online
    • for Q1, type your answer into the file Scan.c (in the q1 directory)
    • for Q2..Q8, type your answer into the file with .txt suffix (e.g. q2.txt)
    • use the submit command as described at the end of each question

If you believe that insufficient information has been provided to answer
a given question, then you should write any assumptions that you think are
necessary to complete the question and continue work from there. If the
assumptions are reasonable, you can still obtain full marks for the question.

Note that marks are awarded for primarily for working, not just for getting
the correct final answer. If you get an incorrect final answer in one part of
a question and use it in a later part of that question, it is still possible
to achieve full marks for the later part if all working is correct.

For the programming question, you can only receive full marks for a
correctly-working program that compiles with no warnings. In all other
cases, you receive partial-marks based on how close the program
is to being correct. Submitting an unchanged Scan.c is worth zero marks.

End of Notes