COMP9315 21T1 Final Exam The University of New South Wales
COMP9315 DBMS Implementation
21T1 Final Exam
DBMS Implementation
[Instructions] [PostgreSQL] [C]
[Q1] [Q2] [Q3] [Q4] [Q5] [Q6] [Q7] [Q8]

Question 7 (8 marks)

Consider the following database schema:

create table People (
	id       integer primary key,
	name     text,
	worksin  integer references Departments(id)
create table Departments (
	id       integer primary key,
	name     text,
	manager  integer references People(id)
create table Projects (
	id       integer primary key,
	name     text,
	fundedby integer references Departments(id)
create table WorksOn (
	person   integer references People(id),
	project  integer references Projects(id),
	percent  integer

(Yes, it has a forward reference in the foreign key declarations. Ignore that and the circular dependencies for the purpose of this exercise.)

We have built and populated a database based on this schema. We ran a collection of queries and obtained execution plans by using EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

Answer the question associated with each of the execution plans below:

  1. How many tuples are there in the People table?

       (cost=189.00..189.01 rows=1 width=0)
       (actual time=2.899..2.899 rows=1 loops=1)
       ->  Seq Scan on people
              (cost=0.00..164.00 rows=10000 width=0)
              (actual time=0.010..1.594 rows=10000 loops=1)
    Total runtime: 2.932 ms
  2. What query produced the following execution plan?

    Index Scan using people_pkey on people
       (cost=0.00..8.41 rows=9 width=21)
       (actual time=0.017..0.021 rows=9 loops=1)
       Index Cond: (id > 9990)
    Total runtime: 0.048 ms
  3. Give a relational agebra expression corresponding to the query execution plan below. Use the notation that we have been using in lectures for relational algebra operators (σ as Sel, π as Proj, ⋈ as Join) in the tree. Some examples:

    • σx>1R   would be written as   Sel[x>1](R)
    • πa,bT   would be written as   Proj[a,b](T)
    • (R ⋈a=d S)   would be written as   (R Join[a=d] S)

    There is no need to show operations like Hash which are part of the hash-join operation.

    Nested Loop
          (cost=120.38..644.57 rows=27 width=13)
          (actual time=2.786..10.844 rows=29 loops=1)
       -> Hash Join
             (cost=120.38..636.60 rows=27 width=4)
             (actual time=2.770..10.735 rows=29 loops=1)
             Hash Cond: (w.project =
             -> Seq Scan on workson w
                   (cost=0.00..415.06 rows=26906 width=8)
                   (actual time=0.012..3.833 rows=26906 loops=1)
             -> Hash
                   (cost=120.31..120.31 rows=5 width=4)
                   (actual time=2.586..2.586 rows=12 loops=1)
                   -> Hash Join
                         (cost=19.51..120.31 rows=5 width=4)
                         (actual time=0.971..2.583 rows=12 loops=1)
                         Hash Cond: (j.fundedby =
                         -> Seq Scan on projects j
                               (cost=0.00..82.00 rows=5000 width=8)
                               (actual time=0.007..0.769 rows=5000 loops=1)
                         -> Hash
                               (cost=19.50..19.50 rows=1 width=4)
                               (actual time=0.825..0.825 rows=1 loops=1)
                               -> Seq Scan on departments d
                                     (cost=0.00..19.50 rows=1 width=4)
                                     (actual time=0.022..0.822 rows=1 loops=1)
                                     Filter: (name = 'Sales Department'::text)
       -> Index Scan using people_pkey on people p
             (cost=0.00..0.28 rows=1 width=17)
             (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=29)
             Index Cond: ( = w.person)
    Total runtime: 42.917 ms
    (14 rows)
  4. If I run the query that produced the above plan a second time, it takes only 10.912 ms, and subsequent executions of this query are all around 11 ms. Explain why.

Show all working.


End of Question