Courses to be Offered in 2002 - DRAFT

Session 1
Session 2
COMP1001DayDayIntroduction to Computing
COMP1011DayDayComputing 1A
COMP1711Day Higher Computing 1A
COMP1021DayDayDayComputing 1B
COMP1721 DayHigher Computing 1B
COMP1091Day Computing with Cdiscuss with maths
COMP2011DayDayData Organisation
COMP2711Day Higher Data Organisation
COMP2021DayDayDigital Systems Structuresquota 300 in first session
COMP2041DayDaySoft Construction: Techniques & Tools
COMP2110Day Soft Sys Spec
COMP2411Day Logic and Logic Programming
COMP2811DayDayDayComputing 2 (= COMP1021)
COMP3111EveDaySoft Eng
COMP9008EveDaySoft Eng
COMP3120 EveIntro to Algorithms
COMP3121 EveAlgorithms
COMP9101 EveAlgorithms
COMP3131 EveCompilers
COMP9102 EveCompilers
COMP3151 EveFoundations of Concurrency
COMP9151 EveFoundations of Concurrency
COMP3141Day Soft Sys Dsn and Imp
COMP3211 DayComp Arch
COMP9211 DayComp Arch
ELEC2041Day Microprocessors - ELEC may take this over
COMP3241 Real-time Sys Spec, Dsn,
COMP3311 DayDB
COMP3411Day AI
COMP3421 DayGraphics
COMP9415 DayGraphics
COMP3710 DaySoft Proj Management
COMP4001Eve OO Soft Devel/Dsnlast run 2003
COMP4011 Web Applications Engineering
Crypto & SecurityMeyden
COMP4111 Distributed Object Systems and TechGortondead
COMP4211D/E Advanced Architectures and AlgorithmsWhich - D/E
COMP4131 Prog Lge Semantics
COMP4141 DayTheory of Comp
COMP4215 VLSI Sys Dsn
COMP9215 VLSI Sys Dsn
COMP4411DayDayExp Robotics
COMP4415 DayFoundations of AI
COMP4920 DayProfessional Issues and Ethics
COMP9015 DayIssues in Computingcould become COMP2920
COMP9020EveEveFoundations of Computer Science
COMP9021EveEvePrinciples of Programmign
COMP9022EveEveDigital Systems Structures
COMP9024EveEveData Structures and Algorithms
COMP9114 Formal Spec
COMP9115 Programming Languages
COMP9116 EveB-Method
COMP9231 DayIntegrated Digital Systems
COMP9242 DayAdvanced Operating SystemsWAS evening
COMP9243 Distributed SystemsAlt. years
COMP9315Eve DB Sys Implementation
COMP9316EveEveE-commerce technologies
COMP9332 EveNetwork Routing + Switching
COMP9333Eve Advanced Computer Networks
COMP9414Eve AI
COMP9416 EveKnowledge Based Sys
COMP9417 DayMachine Learning
COMP9444 EveNeural Networks
COMP9514 Advanced Decision Theory
COMP9517 DayImage Processing and Applicationshopefully
COMP9518Eve Pattern Recognition and Vision - (Amin + Sowmya)
COMP9519 Multimedia Systems
COMP9910S3S3Research and Management Skills
COMP9930Day Readings in CSE
SENG1010 DaySoftware Engineering Workshop 1A
SENG1020 DaySoftware Engineering Workshop 1B
SENG2010Day Software Engineering Workshop 2A
SENG2020 DaySoftware Engineering Workshop 2B
SENG3010Day Software Engineering Workshop 3A
SENG3020 DaySoftware Engineering Workshop 3B
SENG4921Day Professional Issues and Ethics
SENG9338DayDayNetwork Project
BINF1001 DayBioinformatics 1
BINF2001 DayBioinformatics 2taught by Life Science people

School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA
Phone:  +61 2 9385 6876
Fax:    +61 2 9385 4071