The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee (CSE Education Committee 24/05)
will be held at 12 noon on Wednesday, 24 April 2024, on Teams.

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


    2 mins 1. Opening of Meeting, recording of those present, and apologies

    Apologies: ???
    John Shepherd
    2 mins 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 3 April 2024

    John Shepherd
    6 mins 3. Review of Action Sheet John Shepherd
    10 mins 4.1 Short Extensions

    At the start of this year, Special Considerations introduced the idea of short extensions. Students can be approved for a short extension without any documentation. Some courses opted in this term. It is also an option for 24T2. Do we want to have a school position on whether we support short extensions?
    John Shepherd
    20 mins 5.1 Revised Workload Formula

    Wayne Wobcke has revised/expanded the Workload Formula that was put to a vote last year and failed because of insufficient votes. Before the new version goes to a vote, it could be discussed here.

    Workload Formula
    Wayne Wobcke
    20 mins 5.2 Cyber Security Program

    Our initial attempt to propose a Cyber Security degree was thwarted at the PVCESE level, with the argument "We cannot have two different degrees with the same name, one taught at Canberra and one at Kensington". There have been meetings between our Cyber Security working group and the group at UNSW Canberra. How should we progress this?
    Salil Kanhere
    20 mins 5.3 Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge (ADK) Courses

    Masters programs require a certain proportion of ADK courses (AQF Level 9) before they are viewed as a "genuine Masters degree". Our 8543 Master of Information Technology program requires 36UOC of ADK courses, and identifies the following as ADKs:

    COMP4161 Advanced Topics in Software Verification
    COMP4418 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    COMP6131 Software Security Analysis
    COMP6443 Web Application Security and Testing (incl. COMP6843)
    COMP6445 Digital Forensics (incl. COMP6845)
    COMP6447 System and Software Security Assessment
    COMP6452 Software Architecture for Blockchain Applications
    COMP6713 Natural Language Processing
    COMP6714 Information Retrieval and Web Search
    COMP6733 Internet of Things Experimental Design Studio
    COMP6741 Algorithms for Intractable Problems
    COMP6845 Extended Digital Forensics and Incident Response
    COMP9242 Advanced Operating Systems
    COMP9312 Data Analytics for Graphs
    COMP9315 Database Systems Implementation
    COMP9319 Web Data Compression and Search
    COMP9336: Mobile Data Networking
    COMP9337 Securing Fixed and Wireless Networks
    COMP9418 Advanced Topics in Statistical Machine Learning
    COMP9444 Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    COMP9491 Applied Artificial Intelligence
    COMP9517 Computer Vision
    COMP9434 Robotic Software Architecture
    COMP9727 Recommender Systems
    COMP9900 Information Technology Project
    COMP9991 Research Project A
    COMP9992 Research Project B
    COMP9993 Research Project C

    Are all of these AQF9? If not, could they be revised to become AQF9? Are there other courses not in this list which could be revised to become AQF9?

    Eric Martin
    10 mins 5.4 Changes to MIT Specialisations

    In 8543, should we:
    • disestablish the Data Science specialisation?
    • add a new Software Engineering specialisation?
    Eric Martin
    10 mins 5.5 School Assessment Review Group

    The School Assessment Review Group (SARG) meets after all of the results have been submitted and looks through the mark distributions and WAM diffs for all courses, to see if any courses might need to reconsider their marks (or at least their marking strategy). For the last few years, the SARG has consisted of several academics (JAS, AT, EM) and the TSA's. In the past, all academics were invited to attend, on the basis that they might gain some insights into how CSE courses are assessed. Should we re-start having a larger SARG?
    John Shepherd
    5 mins 6.1. Report(s) from Committees outside CSE Anybody
    5 mins 6.2. Report on Cyber Security Programs Working Group Salil Kanhere
    5 mins 6.3. Report on UNSW Online Rahat Masood
    Raymond Wong
    10 mins 6.4. Report on Workload Committee/Formula Wayne Wobcke
      7. Closure