Selecting Pairs

This is a pair exercise and must be competed in your tutorial or lab with your partner.

Throughout semester, you will be working in pairs. You will change pairs a few times throughout semester to get to work with other students. Find someone of a similar skill level as you to work with for the first few weeks.

In the labs, you will be using pair programming. This means that although there are two of you working together, only one of you will be typing at a time. We sometimes refer to this as “two hands one keyboard”.

One of you will be programming the code on the computer and the other should be checking for errors in the code and thinking about ways you can change the code to solve the problem better. Try not to stick with the first solution you think of, always try and think of other ways you could solve the problem.

You should alternate roles for each activity you do. Any activities you don’t get done during the tutorial can be done at home individually.

Make sure to get some way of keeping in touch with your partner outside of class.

This week, only one of you needs to submit your solutions using give (which will be covered in a later activity). In future weeks, you will need to share all code you write so that you can both submit all of your code.

When you have selected your programming partner, make a note of who it is be leaving a comment on your tutorial group page.