Week 13 Tutorial

It’s week 13! Well done on making it this far through the course – you’ve worked very hard and achieved some incredible results, and you should all feel proud about how far you’ve come in these thirteen short weeks.


Take some time as a tute to look back over the semester, and think about how it has been for you. What were your favorite parts? What things weren’t so good? And perhaps most importantly, who/what are you grateful for?

Final Card-Down

How are you progressing with the assignment?

Do you have any questions?

Have you learned anything that would be useful to share with the rest of the tutorial?

Linked Lists

Remember, our linked lists have the following data structures:

typedef struct _node *Node;
typedef struct _list *List;

typedef struct _node {
    int value;
    Node next;
} node;

typedef struct _list {
    Node head;
} list;

What is a List? What is a list? What is a struct _list? What is a Node? What is a node? What is a struct _node?

Why do we have both a List and Nodes?

Discuss the linked list activities that are in this week’s lab; you can choose to implement them as a class if you have time.

The End!

You’ve reached the end of your final COMP1511 tutorial for 2017.