COMP3151/9154 Foundations of Concurrency
Term 2, 2022


1 Homework 1 Released + Course Forum

Johannes Åman Pohjola [2022-06-01 Wed 11:46]

1.1 Homework 1

Homework 1 has been released — see the sidebar for details.

This is the first of eight homework assignments, worth 10% of your mark in total. Generally, the homework due in Week \(n\) tests your understanding of the lecture material from Week \(n-1\). Hence there's no homework due in Week 1 nor Week 11 (index out-of-bounds exception). Homework 1 is due before the Friday lecture of Week 2.

1.2 Ed Forum

If you were enrolled in the course as of 0-week, you should have received an invite to the Ed Forum to your UNSW inbox. If you have not, check your spam filter. If it's not there, try logging into Ed with your z<digits> address—Ed doesn't really understand UNSW email aliases, so chances are you have more than one account. If that doesn't work either, send an email to as soon as possible and we can get it sorted.

The Ed forum will be the primary venue for discussion and announcements throughout the course.

2 Welcome

Johannes Åman Pohjola [2022-05-10 Tue 20:29]

Welcome to COMP3151/9154 Foundations of Concurrency. I, Johannes Åman Pohjola, will be teaching this course this term. Previous lecturers have included Dr. Liam O'Connor, Dr. Vladimir Tosic and Dr. Kai Engelhardt.

You can participate in this course both face-to-face and remotely. I personally recommend face-to-face: it's more fun, and experience shows that it's more conducive to learning. But I totally understand if you're unwilling or unable.

2.1 Face-to-face participation

This one's easy: just show up :) See the timetable for when and where.

You may have noticed that there's a bit of a pandemic going on. This means it may be necessary to move lectures online at short notice, if (say) I become a close contact. Keep tabs on Ed for such announcements. Also, be aware of the relevant UNSW health and safety guidelines.

2.2 Remote participation

All lectures will be delivered f2f in the lecture theatre, but also concurrently broadcast live via Zoom. This happens on Wednesdays 4PM–6PM and Fridays, 11AM–1PM. You can participate by asking questions via Zoom chat, or just unmuting. Recordings will be made available afterwards on Echo360.

The join link for the Zoom sessions will be found on the Ed forum (which is not live yet).

2022-08-05 Fri 16:47

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