title:Cog, Just Visiting Part 2, EP (5 Tracks), Little Samurai Records

URL: http://www.bombshell.live.com.au/reviews/september/cog.htm


date: 2002

writer: unknown

Cog, i've seen the name around alot, haven't heard the music or seen them live, insert cd and first thing i notice is a lack of energy, a dark sound overall in the production but there just doesnt seem to be any drive or direction in the tracks, i found myself bored after listening to the first minute of each track. There are spots where the music suddenly explodes 'pseduo' but even when it does there isn't much grab to it and it slips back into the slow morbid sound. I can't see where the hype on this band comes from, they must put on one hell of a show because the cd was just plain boring, you probably are going to like it if the dark morbid sound is what your into, but otherwise give it a miss

THE VERDICT - 4/10 - Maybe i'm just not on the right drugs?