The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Teaching Committee (CSE Teaching Committee 22/01)
will be held at 10:00am on Friday, 4 March 2022, on Zoom

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd, extension +61293856494,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


  1. Apologies and Welcome

  2. Minutes of Previous Meeting *

    CSE Teaching Committee 21/7 (12 November 2021)

    Coming soon ...

  3. Reports from Bodies outside CSE

    John Shepherd will report on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.

    • Engineering Academic Programs Committee
    • Accreditation Working Group
    • Faculty BE(Hons) dual-award revision

  4. Program Proposal: B Adv Comp Sci

    Alan Blair is proposing a new 4-year Computer Science degree. This would include a compulsory 4th-year thesis (like the BE degrees), and could act as a vehicle for introducing stronger programs of study in strategic areas such as Artificial Intelligence ...

  5. Review of Core Undergrad Courses

    There has been some "drift" in the curriculum of the core undergrad courses (COMP1511, COMP1521, COMP1531, COMP2511, COMP2521). This is primarily due to the move to 10-week (really 9-week) terms. To restore better coherence between these courses, and to ensure that they meet the original design goals (Jingling's 2015 Working Group), it looks useful to revisit their goals and design.

  6. Review of Core Postgraduate Courses

    There has always been a disjunction between the undergraduate core and the postgraduate core, despite the fact that both cores lead into the same set of more advanced courses. For example, postgraduates see no Java or computer systems material in the core. Part of the reason for this was the compressed time-frame of the postgraduate program (in theory, equivalent to a 3-year Computer Science degree, delivered in two years). While reviewing the undergraduate core, we could also look at the postgraduate core (COMP9021, COMP9024, COMP9311, COMP9331).

  7. CS and MIT Specialisations

    The specialisations in both the UG and PG degrees have always been "light"; they have such mminor variations from the standard program that students can potentially meet the requirements for two or three specialisations. In addition, some specialisation have become non-viable with the dropping of some courses from the curriculum. Are there good reasons for continuing with these specialisations? Pedagogical? Marketing?

  8. Software Engineering Review/Revisions

    Following a comprehensive review of the Software Engineering degree, some courses are being added to the program or revised. Fethi Rabhi and Carroll Morgan to discuss.

  9. DESN3000 Progress

    DESN3000 Strategic Design Innovation is a new course, currently under development, which will soon be required for all BE(Hons) students. A version of it is being run in 22T2 for Mechanical Engineering students. If designed well, it gives the prospect of dropping COMP4920 from the Engineering degrees. Bruno Gaeta and Wayne Wobcke have been involved in the design of DESN3000.

  10. New Courses

    The EdC will not be entertaining proposals for new courses unless

    • they come from a continuing academic staff member
    • they fill a need in the School's programs/strategy
    • there is a commitment to teach them for ≥ five years

  11. Any Other Business