The University of New South Wales

CSE Education Committee

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee (CSE Education Committee 23/06)
will be held at 11:00am on Friday, 4 August 2023 fully online on Teams.

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


    2 mins 1. Opening of Meeting, recording of those present, and apologies

    Apologies: Oliver Diessel, Raymond Wong
    John Shepherd
    2 mins 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 25 May 2023 John Shepherd
    6 mins 3. Review of Action Sheet ... including EdC Members John Shepherd
    5 mins 4.1 New Course: Software Security Analysis and Verification
    Yulei Sui
    5 mins 4.2 New Course: Applied Cryptography
    Sushmita Ruj
    10 mins 4.3 New Course: Natural Language Processing
    Aditya Joshi
    10 mins 4.4 SENG Revisions
    Fethi has revised the Software Engineering workshops based on feedback from students.

    Specific changes to be considered:

    1. Change prerequisite for DESN2000 from COMP2521 to COMP1531
    2. Change SENG3011 name to "Advanced Software Engineering Workshop"
    3. Change COMP2511 name to "The Art of Software Design"
    Fethi Rabhi
    5 mins 5.1 2024 Course Offerings
    Current suggestions ... 2023 version
    1. COMP2041 added T1
    2. COMP3311 T3 → T2
    3. COMP3141 T2 → T1
    4. move more T3 to T1 and T2
    John Shepherd
    10 mins 5.2 Exams
    Exams need to have integrity and ensure that students have requisite skills/knowledge. We can do this in invgilated exams in our Labs. But we have resource constraints. Other suggestions?
    15 mins 5.3 Lecture Attendance
    By week 3, many courses have less than 10% attendance at lectures. What to do? Abandon lectures? Flipped classroom? Give students a reason to attend? Travel vs Social? Do tutorials have the same problem?
    5 mins COMP3900/9900 Projects Wanted
    ACS wants the capstone course for CS and MIT to have "industry" projects. While we spend the time sourcing such projects, we can use realistic projects from within CSE and from other Schools at UNSW. Got any?
    Basem Sueliman
    5 mins 6.1. Report(s) from Committees outside CSE John Shepherd
    5 mins 6.2 ECLIPS, ECOS, Data Cleansing and CSE Course Outlines
    Report on the current state-of-play and what still needs to be done.
    John Shepherd
    5 mins 6.2. Report on Cyber Security Programs Working Group Salil Kanhere
    5 mins 6.3. Report on UNSW Online Raymond Wong
    ? mins 6.4. Any Other Business  
      7. The next meeting will be held on Friday 1 September  
      8. Closure