The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Teaching Committee (CSE Teaching Committee 21/01)
will be held at 10:00am on Friday, 05 February 2021, via Teams.

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


  1. Apologies and Welcome

  2. Minutes of Previous Meeting *

    CSE Teaching Committee 20/3 (28 August 2020)

  3. Reports from Bodies outside CSE

    Reports on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.

  4. Exams in 2021

    Because of COVID, 2020 saw a move to online and un-invigilated exams. UNSW seems keen to continue this practice post-COVID.

    Andrew Taylor sent email about this in December 2020:

    UNSW is planning to move away from large face-to-face invigilated final exams. The use of large final exams will be much reduced, even post covid-restrictions.

    There will be upcoming discussion at faculty-level & centrally about this, and there is very much an opportunity for CSE to lead and put forward our ideas.

    Please think about how your courses should be best assessed in future.

    There is not a belief one size fits all.

    There seems to be an expectation some courses will continue to use remote un-invigilated finals exams as we have this year, an expectation that some courses will change their assessment and not have not have final exams and a general expectation that this will prompt innovative changes which will improve assessment.

    It is now time to consider it further (based on experiences noted in the Teaching Practices Workshop).

  5. Elite Students Programme

    CSE has informally run an Elite Students Programme for several years. This was based on a policy ratified(?) by the CSE Education Committee in 2016. In 2020, Aleks Ignjatovic was appointed as Coordinator of the Programme.

    More and more excellent students have been entering our undergraduate programs recently. As more students become eligible for the Programme, and in light of the substantial changes to teaching administration roles over recent years, we need to refine the policy to make its definition more precise and to develop formal procedures for managing it.

  6. New Course: COMP6772 Advanced C++ Software Engineering

    Recent experience teaching COMP6771 suggests that much useful C++ content cannot be covered in the 10-week timeframe. This proposal aims to rectify that by introducing a new course to follow COMP6771.

  7. Non-viable Streams?

    Some majors/streams/specialisations have problems

    • low enrolments
    • prescibed elective lists too small or inadequate

    Should we continue to offer all current streams?
    Should we offer new streams?

  8. FYI: CSE Topic Mapping

    As a basis for improving our curriculum, we need to map precisely what topics each course covers, and what background knowledge convenors are assuming. This will allow us to check whether there is duplication and whether current pre-requisites make sense. The plan is to conduct this exercise over Term 1. It will not be used for accreditation.

  9. Any Other Business