Visual Studio Code + CSE Important Settings

The following steps are for existing VS Code Users – if you have not setup Visual Studio code already, go to Connecting with Visual Studio Code.


If you do not follow these steps, your CSE account could be accessible by anyone. In the future, VSCode accounts without these settings enabled will not be allowed to connect to CSE’s servers.

  1. Ensure that VSCode connects to the server. You should not connect to or (wagner, weill or williams) as you will have a slower experience, and leave junk on CSE’s servers.

    Connect to host.
  2. Go to your VSCode settings by clicking the cog in the bottom left corner, and clicking “Settings” (or use the shortcut Ctrl + , (or Command + , on Mac).

    Open Settings
  3. Search for “Remote Server Listen on Socket”. Make sure that the setting is checked!

    Ensure "Remote Server Listen on Socket" is checked.
  4. Search for “Lockfiles in Tmp”. Make sure that the setting is checked!

    Ensure "Lockfiles in Tmp" is checked.
  5. Close and re-open VS Code.