
Slides and Isabelle files will be made available online as the lectures progress.
  • Isabelle hints
  • Week 1, Tue: intro
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 1, Thu: untyped lambda calculus
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 2, Tue: typed lambda calculus
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 2, Thu: HOL, natural deduction for propositional logic
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 3, Tue: HOL, quantifiers, automation
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 3, Thu: defining HOL from scratch, more automation
    slides [pdf], HOL demo [thy] automation demo [thy]
  • Week 4, Tue: term rewriting, confluence, termination
    slides [pdf], introductory demo [thy] simp demo [thy]
  • Week 4, Thu: conditional term rewriting, congruence rules, more confluence
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 5, Tue: sets, type definitions, inductive predicates
    slides [pdf], demo [thy], demo solutions [thy]
  • Week 5, Thu: inductive predicates, rule induction formally
    slides [pdf], demo [thy], solution [thy]
  • Week 6, Tue: datatypes, datatype induction, primitive recursion
    slides [pdf], demo [thy], solution [thy]
  • Week 6, Thu: regular expressions
    demo [thy], solution[thy]
  • Week 7, Tue: general recursive functions
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 7, Thu: automatic proof and disproof
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 8, Tue: Semantics and Hoare logic
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 8, Thu: Weakest precondition, verification condition
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 9, Tue: Shallow Embedding, State Monads
    slides [pdf], records demo [thy], monad demo [thy]
  • Week 9, Thu: C verification, AutoCorres
    slides [pdf], demo [thy], C file [c], C-Parser and AutoCorres [tar.gz]
  • Week 10, Tue: AutoCorres worked examples
    plus demo [thy], C file [c];
    mult by add demo [thy], C file [c];
    fib demo [thy], C file [c]
  • Week 10, Thu: Eisbach, proof method language (guest lecture)
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 11, Tue: Isar
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 11, Thu: Type classes, Locales
    slides [pdf], demo [thy]
  • Week 12, Tue: CakeML (guest lecture)
    slides [pdf]
  • Week 12, Thu: exam preparations
    2014 exam papers: exam [pdf], Isabelle template [thy], to be used with C-Parser and AutoCorres [tar.gz].
    2014 exam solution: [pdf, thy].